Last week we talked about how happiness is the key to success. So how do we get it? The great thing is happiness is always present if you choose the right mindset and thoughts. It is there before and after success if you choose it.
Ask yourself, would you rather be rich or happy? Would you rather be a grumpy celebrity or happy? I used to think that if I were successful I would be happier…can you relate? What I found was that success came when I was happy.
It is important to understand that happiness is a feeling. Our feelings are created by our thoughts and from those feelings comes action. So, if we are to achieve success, it comes from how we think about success, and from how we show up every day. Happiness is contagious; giving off good energy to those around us makes us more creative, determined, motivated, and so on.
Define what success means to you and you only! Do not change your definition of success to conform to society or to others. Ask yourself WHY you want this goal to come true. Make sure it is one that is true to who you want to be because, ultimately, you have to live it. Set your goals to where you want to be and how you want to be known. What is important is who you become along the way.
Remember, happiness is always there before and after you reach your goals. It was there before you had those goals and it will be there once you reach them and beyond. Success lies in your own happiness.